What are some post-treatment care and recommendations for optimal results in laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is widely being used through out the globe for semi permanent hair removal, it is quick and do not pain as compared to the one we are used to of, but to see its result one to follow some post treatment care , here in this article we will answer most common question asked by the people after doing laser hair removal at our Deluxe clinic

before answering those first let us understand how laser hair removal works, it works by targeting the hair follicles with concentrated light beams, which are later absorbed by the pigment in the hair which damages the follicle, restricting future hair growth. Despite its benefits, post-treatment care is crucial to avoid complications such as irritation, hyperpigmentation, or ineffective results.

now lets look at some of the concern of the patient before taking the treatment

  • should I Shave before Laser Hair Removal?

Shaving is permitted between laser sessions as it does not affect the hair follicles targeted by the laser. However, it's recommended to avoid shaving immediately before a laser session to ensure the hair is long enough for effective treatment. Additionally, using a clean, sharp razor and gentle shaving techniques can help minimize irritation and ingrown hairs, which may occur more frequently after laser treatments.

  • How Soon After Laser Hair Removal Can i Shower?

DR suggest right after laser hair removal, it's essential to avoid activities that could disturb the treated skin. While showering, it is advisable to use lukewarm water and gentle cleansers to avoid irritating the skin. Hot water, steam rooms, and harsh scrubs should not be used for at least of 24 to 48 hours post-treatment just to prevent irritation or opening of hair follicles, which could lead to infection, apart from this these are the few dos and don't which are suggested for you to follow

  • Dos and Don'ts After Laser Hair Removal:

  • Dos:

  • Apply soothing creams or aloe vera gel to calm the skin post-treatment.

  • Use sunscreen with a high SPF to protect treated areas from UV exposure.

  • Keep the treated area clean and avoid touching or scratching it excessively.

  • Moisturize regularly to maintain skin hydration and aid in recovery.

  • Don'ts:

  • Avoid hot baths, saunas, or activities that cause excessive sweating for at least 24-48 hours.

  • Refrain from using harsh skincare products, exfoliants, or perfumes on treated areas.

  • Do not pick or scratch treated skin, as this can lead to infection or irritation.

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or tanning beds, as this can increase the risk of hyperpigmentation.

post care treatment basically revolves around few principles

  • Hydrating: Maintain skin hydration with gentle moisturizers.

  • Protecting: Use sunscreen to shield treated areas from UV rays.

  • Soothing: Apply cooling gels or ice packs to reduce inflammation.

  • Patience: Allow treated hair to shed naturally and avoid premature removal methods.

Proper post-treatment care significantly influences the outcome of laser hair removal treatments. By following these guidelines, individuals can enhance comfort, minimize side effects, and achieve optimal results. Understanding the dos and don'ts ensures a smooth recovery process and maximizes the effectiveness of each laser session.

Skin and Hair Treatment in Melbourne | Deluxe Clinic

Deluxe Clinic is a trusted and well-known facility provider for skin and hair treatment in Melbourne. Famous for PRP Hair Treatment & Laser Hair Removal.


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